Monday, January 28, 2013

Pantry from Hell

I'm slowly but surely getting this pantry in order. It's been calling my name for months and I can't deal anymore. Its starting to pile up with stock from my mini "extreme couponing" outings, and lots of other junk. After reading a billion "how to organize your pantry" blog posts and articles, I started tackling the monster last week. I've made a little progress, but I'm still not done. Still on the list is:

1. Put a light in there! (the pantry is under a set of stairs, so it's dark).

2. Get rid of the mini fridge taking up space (waiting for hubby to do it might take another 6 months).

3. Put in a few more bins and make labels.

4. Possibly put in a few more shelves, and work on a solution for recyclables and bag storage (for all of our plastic and fabric bags)

5. Think of a door option. Not a full door, but maybe some cute saloon doors? Just so the first thing people see when they come into our kitchen isn't our canned foods and piles of cardboard (our cardboard/ paper gets picked up only every 2 weeks and the pantry is the only place to store it).

6. At some point I'd like to "make it pretty" but honestly I don't think I'll get to that point before we finally move into our own home. So this is last on the list.

Here are some pics of the progress so far. The first picture is of course the "before" pic. The next 2 are how it looks now. Like I said, still working on it, but I'll get there!!

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